Friday, September 13, 2013

Sir Geoffrey Hill at Villeroy, September 8, 2013

On the 99th anniversary of Péguy's death, commemorated by the Amitié Charles Péguy at Villeroy on the Sunday that follows September 5th, Sir Geoffrey Hill met several descendants of the poet and read from The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Péguy.

The five stanzas are from the tenth section of the poem that was first published thirty years ago this year.  Next to Sir Geoffrey Hill is Michel Péguy, Péguy's grandson. On the other side, with the microphone, is the Mayor of Villeroy.  This video was produced by Olivier Péguy, Péguy's great-grandson.  Sir Geoffrey Hill was voted an honorary member of Amitié Charles Péguy earlier this year. More information can be found at the Péguy association's website (