Saturday, June 21, 2008

Rowan Williams, Grace and Necessity

One gets the impression that the Archbishop of Canterbury has been a great reader of GH for many years.  Grace and Necessity, Reflections on Art and Love (1995) contains passing allusions to Hill that demonstrate a great breadth and depth of poetic reflection.  But there may be a key to Speech! Speech! in this remark about Flannery O'Connor, if transposed to poetry:

"...the pivotal point of a fiction is a moment when the irony is most intense; it is not that the finite rises without interruption to a degree of sublimity but that the actuality of grace is uncovered in the moment of excess — which may be in a deliberately intensified gracelessness..."

June 22, 2008, Rowan Williams is the guest of Michael Berkeley on Private Passions, BBC 3:

Williams dialogues with Hill on July 2, 2008, at  the Keble College, Oxford conference "Geoffrey Hill and His Contexts," followed by a rich program:

Willimas discusses writing on the web:

Bibliography Rowan Williams

2004 Interview of Williams by Mary Ann Sieghart in The Times